Tuesday, February 24, 2009

P.E. and Her Pets

P.E. has decided she needs some pets (other than our dogs, Allie and Almond). So she finds large snails outside in our yard and she puts them in her bug catcher for the day. At the end of the day, I make her let them go so they can (hopefully) live a peaceful life. Yesterday P.E. found this teeny tiny baby lizard. As she played with the lizard she realized that when she held it up by it's tail, the tail came off!!! She showed off her new "pet" to the neighbors! Playing outside is her favorite thing to do!!


Singapore is a country and a city all in one! It is a tropical island off of Malaysia. Singapore is a beautiful place~warm climate, sunny, bright, cheery, beaches, city life.....There is a lot to do here! 4 million people live in Singapore! The downtown is composed of tall skyscrapers and lots of lush green trees and plants to add a touch of character to the hustling and bustling of a large city.

Fun Times Outdoors

Since the weather is about 30 degrees Celsius year round (that is about 88 degrees Fharenheit) we are able to play outside in our shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops in FEBRUARY!! Just about every day we go for a stroller ride or P.E. rides her bike and Baby Girl rides in the stroller. There is a great bike/walking path that runs right behind our house that is about one kilometer. The path provides beautiful scenery of lush green trees, a river to the left, and the sounds of all kinds of birds chirping away. We also frequent several playgrounds close to our house. Each playground is differerent so that makes it fun to visit different ones. P.E. and Baby Girl are really enjoying playing together and it is so much fun for me to watch them interacting together!

Baby Girl: Eating with Chopsticks!!

Baby Girl has become quite an expert with using chopsticks to eat!! She loves to do this and Daddy loves to give her lots of different kinds of foods to sample!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

PE: The Artist and Biker Chic

PE loves to "do art". We have her art easel and art supplies set up outside the back door. She is enjoying painting a variety of pictures using tempera paint and watercolors. Sometimes she uses crayons or ball point pens to draw. She likes to make books and "write stories".

PE has been learning to ride her new bike with training wheels. She has finally learned how to use the BRAKES......so now she does not have to run into me or into baby girl's stroller!!!!! Tonight she was able to make it up (very small) hills and has learned how to coast downhill while using the brake when needed. She is getting to be a fast-paced biker chick! The stroller had to move quickly to keep up with her tonight!

Dogs: Allie and Almond Joy

Allie and Almond are now out of 30 days of quarantine~~Yeah!! We missed them so much! They seem to like their new home. When they are outside, they pant continuously due to the heat. When they are inside, they enjoy lying on the cool granite floor. PE loves to play outside with Allie and Almond, and they enjoy her company!


We spent the evening in Chinatown, which is located in the heart of downtown Singapore. What a vibrant and bustling part of town. The girls were amazed at all of the sights (lots of lights and lanterns) and the potpouri of smells from outdoor restaurants. PE picked out two dresses Daddy bought for her (we got one for baby girl too). PE wore her new "Asian dress" on Saturday, slept in it Saturday night, and wore it again Sunday!! The dress makes her feel like a princess........I told her I had to wash it and then I will let her wear it again! The people in Chinatown were very friendly and wanted to ooh and aaahh over the girls.

Mommy Learns to Drive

After being in Singapore about 5 days, my neighbor (and great friend :) told me I was going to learn to drive to the grocery store! Overwhelmed and scared, I replied,"TODAY??!! Not today..." We loaded up the girls and off we went! I did learn how to drive "ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD". The roads in this part of the world are very confusing to this ole southern girl. It seems all roads are based around curves and circles....whatever happened to directions like "go straight and turn right"???? After my driving lesson with my neighbor, I now know how to navigate to 2 important places: (1) the grocery store, which is located in the mall and (2) the beach!

Day 12 in Singapore: We take Daddy to the airport and Mommy drives home!! I was so worried I may miss a turn on the way home and end up in Malaysia!! I guess those GPS navigations systems really do work! We made it back to our home safe and sound...YEAHHHHHH!!

A Ride in the Park

We took a car ride through a park that is full of monkeys!! Sure enough, we saw small-sized monkeys EVERYWHERE!! They were in the trees, in the bushes, on the grass, and even on the road right beside our car! The monkeys seemed quite friendly and I screamed for Perry to roll the car windows up in case one decided to jump in the car with us! The girls LOVED seeing the monkeys!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Our House

We LOVE our new home!! We are in a great neighborhood. There is a walking/jogging path that runs right behind our house, and the pool is just down the street. Perry has been taking Perry E swimming almost every day and she loves that. The days are sunny and very warm (about 90 degrees). Outside of our windows we see palm trees and beautiful bushes with vibrant colors.

The Flight

It took us a day and a half to travel from the USA to Singapore!! WHEW, that was a long trip with two little ones. The girls were great. They did sleep for most of the trip. Perry E helped to entertain Ellis. Flying time was about 19 hours!!!!!!!!!!