Sunday, August 21, 2011

We flew into Phenom Penn, and our driver took me to a grocery store to stock up!!! There is no grocery store in Kampong Thom. This province is about a three hour drive from Phenom Penn. So it is waaaaaayyyyyyy out in the countryside. The local market has fruits, vegetables, and meats for sale. The market is quite an eye opening's not easy for me to shop there. Sometimes it is difficult to even find TOILET PAPER! WHY??? This is a third world country in Asia! It's amazing that as Americans we don't realize what "luxuries" we have that we take for granted!! In America, we really do HAVE IT ALL!!

We have a cook that will cook our dinners for us while in Cambodia, for $25 a week~~you can't beat that!!

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't even thought about the toilet paper! So glad you had a cook. Huge help!
